transform yourself in two weeks

transform yourself in
two weeks

Unlock Your Potential and Achieve Greatness
with Dr. John Pates

My passion and purpose in life is to inspire the people I coach and help them reach their full potential.

My coaching programs and retreats

My High-performance coaching programs and retreats are tailored experiences designed to optimize your human potential by tapping into your innate strengths, talents, and capabilities. Through personalized coaching sessions, you’ll gain valuable insights, tools, and strategies to unlock your mind and achieve peak performance in all areas of your life.

Achieving Greatness Coaching program

Achieving Flow Coaching Program

Golf Psychology Coaching

Agile High-Performance retreat

Dr John Pates Shop

My Youtube Channels

Greatness Channel

Peak Performance

Golf Psychology

About Dr. John Pates

Dr. John Pates is renowned as one of the foremost psychologists globally, with a distinguished career spanning over two decades. Currently affiliated with the prestigious Aspire Academy, Dr. Pates has cultivated a reputation for excellence in his field. His expertise has been instrumental in shaping the careers of elite athletes, including world champions and major winners, through his tailored coaching and mental skills training.

Beyond the realm of sports, Dr. Pates has also lent his expertise to prominent businesses such as Novartis, Hewlett-Packard, and Mercury International. Prior to his current role, Dr. Pates served as a professor of psychology, specializing in psychology, at various esteemed institutions in the UK and the USA. He is also an accomplished author, with several acclaimed books to his name, including “Enter the Zone,” “The Miracle Mind,” and “How to Achieve Greatness.” Additionally, Dr. Pates has contributed significantly to the academic field with publications focusing on topics such as flow states, hypnosis, quantum thinking and the psychology of peak performance.

With a wealth of experience understanding the mind of champions and a commitment to advancing the understanding of human potential, Dr. John Pates continues to inspire and empower individuals to achieve greatness.

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